Antique Ox-Tongue Iron - Restoration

In this video im restoring an antique ox-tongue iron.

The ox-tongue iron is named for the particular shape of the insert. It was used in the late 19th century.
I bought this one on eBay for $25. The condition of this item was not too bad in terms of rust. Unfortunately the ox-tongue insert was missing. The handle had play because one nut of the two bolts was missing. During the dissasembling I realized that it had asbestos as termal isolation, I replaced it with parts made out of duroplastic. Duroplastic does not melt, its heat resistant up to around 300°C. As the holes of the handle were not centered, I decided to drill them up and close them with glued in pins. One of the two bolts of the handle was bent, one nut and washer was missing and the used washer was too big. Thats why I decided to make it all new. The door didnt fit at all, so I welded up the holes, and made new ones until the door sit flush with the top of the iron. After that I was able to make the outer contur fit. I choose to turn a few parts black. After the first sandblasting I removed all the scratches and pitting with sanding and then I sandblasted them again to achieve a very nice and even surface finish. The bluing then makes a very nice matte shiny look. I decided to polish the body, but I used bluing on the inside for rust protection.
Overall I really like the look from this iron, how the colors of the wood, the black steel and the polished steel play with eachother.

I hope you like my work and the video.

Huge thank you to all of my Patreon and PayPal supporters and specially to:

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Hunter R.
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Jonas Richartz
Kelly Imgrund
Martin Rønnow Klarlund
Mellissa Marcus
Nick Cannon
Paul Ambry
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Trevor Kam
TRG Restoration
Vince Valenti
Yale Baker


00:00 preview
00:32 disassembling
01:41 showing all the parts
01:59 sandblasting
02:52 restoring the body
04:27 restoring the hinge
06:07 restoring the bolts
06:47 restoring the door
09:28 restoring the wooden handle
11:43 making new bolts, nuts and washers on the lathe
13:49 restoring the holder for the handle
14:24 restoring the reflector plate
15:10 showing the new parts out of duroplastic
15:17 making a new ox-tongue insert
17:22 making a new handle to hold the ox-tongue insert
20:51 showing the parts before reassembling
21:06 reassembling
22:34showing the finished restoration
23:36 final test

Time and costs of this restoration:

I was working on this project for 3 week
$25 ox-tongue iron
$2 wooden pins for the handle
$15 material for the ox-tongue and handle
$40 reverse countersink hand tool
$10 wax for wood
$20 angle screwdrivers

My camera:
Panasonic HC-V180

If you have any questions about the process, machines im using or other stuff, just ask me in the comments. I read them all and i try to reply as soon as possible.

Sorry for my bad english, its not my language. I try my best to improve my technical english.

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Antique wooden sled from 1940 - Restoration

An antique wooden sled from the 1940s got my father when he was little. The sledge lay in the ground all the time. I came across them during the reconstruction of the land. The perfect project for a new video.

The rohačka sleigh, once an integral part of the inventory of every proper mountain cottage in the Giant Mountains or in their foothills before the invasion of motor vehicles, is today a historical curiosity of lively interest for both the local population, weekend cottages and guests of mountain resorts. Their forgotten last specimens are discovered with joy in the various «stalks» of the barns, where they escaped the orderly and liquidating attention of previous generations. The sent glory of wild rooster rides to us is heard not only from written records taken in the last century, but sometimes also occasionally from the mouths of witness narrators. After all, even after the Second World War, wood was approached in some parts of the mountains by them. It is generally said that this versatile and simple means of transport was already known and used by Gendorfs lumberjacks, which Mr. Kryštof brought from the Alps and settled in the Giant Mountains in the 16th century. Rohačky were used mainly in winter, but they often came to honor even in summer on steep slopes during haymaking.

The first written descent on a sledge took place in 1737 during the return from the expedition to the Little State. The report of the first purely tourist exit has been preserved from 1815. It was on a 7 km long route, leading from the border hut on the Przełęcz Okraj saddle (Grenzbaude) to the Pod Złotą Gwiazdą inn in Kowary. This attraction was constantly gaining new fans. In 1896, about 3,000 stag beetles and the same number of draft horses were prepared for tourists. An association of carriages was even formed, defending their interests and regulating fares on individual routes. Additional infrastructure has been developed, new border crossings and customs have been set up. Tourism became a mass affair, which was undoubtedly influenced by the commissioning of railway lines connecting the Giant Mountains with Berlin and Wrocław in 1866. Winter sleigh rides, similar to the summer ascent to Sněžka, were among the most popular tourist attractions in the Giant Mountains. Fares, depending on the length of the route, ranged from 5 to 16 marks and followed a fixed price list.

Josef Tylš, a forester from Červený vrch, came up with the idea of ​​resuming rides on old timber sleighs from Malá Úpa to Kowar, which were run here at the beginning of the 19th century to amuse the manor and increase the money of the highlanders. Under his leadership, in 1999, the editorial office became the organizer of the zero — trial congress from customs to Kowar. And the descents to Kowary are held regularly, the beginning is not in Pomezní Boudy, but about 3 km lower in the direction of Kowary. The goal is then in Jelenia Góra.

In January 2016, the first rohaček race was held directly in Malá Úpa.

If you have any information, you can share it with others on my Facebook page:

If you have any questions about the process, use machines or other things, ask me in the comments. I try to answer everyone and as soon as possible.

Im sorry for my bad English, its not my language.

Im uploading videos about restoring mechanical things. Im uploading videos about the restoration of old wooden things. I fix things as best I can. I am self-taught. Therefore, if some procedures are wrong, forgive me. Thank you.

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Патроны из болота как новые ! Целая схрон хабара // Юрий Гагарин

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Бойцов мы находим, если получается узнаем их имена, ищем родственников и хороним на родной земле со всеми почестями.
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В каждом выпуске на канале gagarin мы стараемся рассказать о многих интересных темах как как металлопоиск, коп, золото, клад, блиндаж. Ведь история, археология и находка монет, сами копатели или английское excavation тесно связаны между собой. В поиске кладов мы, кладоискатели, чаще всего ведём раскопки второй мировой войны и в поиске клада иногда сталкиваемся с результатами работы черных копателей, чей промысел – коп по войне, коп по старине, ВОВ. Мы – белые копатели, а точнее кладоискатели, и даже в 2018 году коп и великая отечественная война для нас это как world of tanks для вас, наших зрителей.

Design Perfect Princes Bed With Monolithic Red Hardwood || Extremely Wonderful WoodWorking Machines

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تعلم بناء القبه مسجد الجزء الاول 1

مباني بالطوب الاحمر تصميم حديثه ورسمات فاقت الجمال
تعلم بناء القبه مسجد الجزء الاول 1
في الجزء الاول نقوم بعمل سنتر في وسط البنياء سمه ناخذ من قل رقن مقاسات بالمتر اضع خيط في السنطر لضبط الدوران وانسحب البدماك الاول سما نحدد مقاس الشبابيك لذرع اكتاف برواز
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Bricklaying Twisted Brick Pier build

bricklaying video building a Twisted brick pier achieved by spiralling the bricks as we move up each course.

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