Дом 6*6 из газоблока. Фундамент,стены,крыша. Цены 2019 год.

В этом ролике: возведение фундамента, стен и крыши. Этот ролик длинный так как в нем сразу объединены 3 этапа. Так же будут озвучены затраты на возведение дома, обратите внимание что в конце ролика показан дом с уже вставленными окнами, отмосткой, перегородками внутри и введенным электричеством в дом-это в озвученную стоимость не входит,
это тема для другого ролика.

Другие видео на канале:

Пристраиваем вторую часть дома: youtu.be/zD_OCv9d6Ao

Фундамент 6*6: youtu.be/XbSlZevaO5M

Крыша 6*6: youtu.be/YqezT_W46aY

Планировка дома 6*6: youtu.be/VRrztaNwZsI

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Unique Artistic Apartment Design : The Woven Nest Penthouse by Atmos Studio

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Unique Artistic Apartment Design: The Woven Nest Penthouse by Atmos Studio

London-based Atmos Studio has completed the the Woven Nest project in 2010.

This 764 square foot duplex penthouse apartment is located in North London and was heavily remodeled to accommodate musician and songwriter Jamie Norton and his growing family.

The Woven Nest by Atmos Studio:

“This home for an actress and musician carefully slots between buildings and sightlines, and wraps built-in furniture into every available surface. The massing was generated from the view-lines along the High Street below, tucked carefully out of sight to achieve planning permission for a new story with front outdoor space hidden within the row of listed buildings. The roof-form deploys a double-pitched butterfly roof, angling upwards from low flank walls to greet the arriving visitor with taller walls at the central stairwell. A crystalline valley skylight hangs above, flooding the void with light. Staggered floor sections carefully borrow space from below. The V-shape in section repeats in plan to ease a tidy outdoor terrace between new and old façades, the doors from hall and bedroom folding neatly together.

The project’s palette mirrors the client’s interest in Japanese economy, restraint and invention, and provides a sense of surprising spaciousness within tight confines. Spaces from adjacent rooms are borrowed and traded, with each room offering a panoply of different views and directions. Mirrors double and quadruple the extent of views and entice optical exploration, while maximum continuity between the surfaces of the built-in furniture provides a sense of further elongation, and interest.

The house assembles around the central open stair, its timber strands growing upwards towards the light and unleashing delicate tendrils to frame each step, a single thin metallic line dancing across their lines to offer the lightest of additional support to the hands that seek it. To the right, spaces sneak into the stair – as bathroom storage below or the underside of the desk above – while to the right the open treads fan and splay into a generous array of surfaces for the living room. Their lower steps support a seat and soft-spot, while their upper elements flow around the sitter with a sea of books and shelves.

Upstairs, the stair-tree verticals curl into architraves and continue into rooms either side of the eyelid to the sky above. Their lines flow to form a desk and shelving unit in the study, wrapping around to welcome the unfolding sheaves of floorplank that conceal a bed within the floor-depth. The low table/cupboard nestled at the window flows out to form a long courtyard storage bench, which slips back inside as a bathroom counter, carved with a sunken bath. This same surface plunges through the bather’s view-slot into the bedroom, a faceted plane (the laundry-lid) folding up to form the final blackout for this bedroom/bathroom opening. It continues as storage into the plinth of the welcoming bed beyond, and onwards as bedside counter before folding back into the wall and the rhythms of the stair beyond.

The house is thus unified by a single curl of complex in-built furniture, bridging inside and out, closed and open, his and hers and anyone else’s in its careful compaction of storage and use and its careful alignment of the body within spaces and the eye towards sky. The rear window angles carefully back above its sloping brick parapet, offering great starry views from the pillow. Its fixed glazing folds at the stairwell to form an opening frame, a complex rhomboid perfectly slotted into the available space. The courtyard opposite protects privacy yet offers generous views of sky and city (from bath or bench, table or toilet), and tantalising views into the intricacy of this urban jewel.”

Photos by: Alex Haw, Atmos Studio

200 Best Ultra Modern Kitchen Design Ideas

Best modern kitchen designs and decorations ideas.latest amazing ultra modern kitchen design photos collections shown in this video. Hope you enjoy it.
Images selected from internet and/or free sources.
If there are copyright mistakes, please contact thoughtlessmind101@gmail.com
well edit or delete its instantly.
This video is a photo slide about ultra modern kitchen design ideas.
For More Design and Decorating Ideas please Subscribe- bit.ly/2mg16eL.

Track: Convex — 4U (feat. Jex Jordyn) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: youtu.be/dMnWZ8tAUkU
Free Download / Stream: ncs.io/4U

Track: Julius Dreisig

Amazing Scandinavian Style Apartments, 100 Design and Decorating Ideas

Do you need new Scandinavian style design ideas for your apartment? Are you not sure about which color palette, furniture and decorative accessories are a hit?
Watch this video and you will discover more than one hundred amazing designer ideas for a Scandinavian style apartment. You will also enjoy eight beautiful soundtracks.
Thank you so much for watching and do not forget to subscribe to our channel.
» Subscribe to Grig Stamate: bit.ly/toGrigStamate
#ScandinavianStyleDesign #ApartmentDesign
Background soundtracks:
1. Be Nice — spring gang
2. Weaving – Luftmensch
3. Now Im All Yours — spring gang
4. We Stay Mean – Luftmensch
5. Bottom Of My Bottle – Lvly
6. Lifes Passing Me By — Daniel Gunnarsson
7. The Storm Inside — Daniel Gunnarsson
8. Storm Is Over – Windshield
Royalty-free music by Epidemic Sound

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Стоимость данного ремонта: vition.ru/ekonom-otdelka
Все материалы и инструменты для ремонта: vition-magazin.ru/
Мы снимаем ролики на «живых» объектах, чтобы показать своим подписчикам весь процесс капитального или косметического ремонта квартир. Из наших видео Вы узнаете, что такое дизайн и ремонт квартиры, дизайн ванных комнат, отделка квартиры и отделка лоджии, электромонтаж и установка электроточек, сантехнические работы, укладка керамической плитки, монтаж потолков, гипсокартона, укладка полов, ремонт и проектирование кухни. Мы подскажем и проведем мастер-класс для тех, кто хочет сделать ремонт своими руками как правильно произвести: ремонт ванной, ремонт туалета, ремонт кухни, ремонт балкона. Научим как укладывать керамическую плитку, как правильно клеить обои, как устроить звукоизоляцию, как собрать электрощит, как установить розетки, как установить выключатели. Также в наших видео вас ждут обзоры по инструменту и материалам для ремонта. А для тех, кто строит дом мы приготовили увлекательные обучающие видео о том, как построить дом своими руками, как правильно выбрать материалы для строительства дома, как построить дом из пеноблоков.
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В этом видео я отвечу на один из самых частых вопросов, которые мне задают: почему интерьер выглядит дешево. Я расскажу про 17 решений, которые дешевят даже самый дорогой интерьер и расскажу, что с этим делать.

Я Наталия Шелковская, дизайнер и на этом канале я делюсь с вами идеями мыслями и советами по дизайну интерьера, оформлению дома и обустройстве жизни в красоте и просто своими мыслями. Подписывайся на канал, чтобы быть в курсе новых видео.

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Build The Most Beautiful Bamboo Swimming Pool Around Luxury Villa house by ancient skills

Build The Most Beautiful Swimming Pool Around Luxury Villa house by ancient skills

In this video i would like to show everyone how to build the most beautiful Bamboo Swimming Pool Around Luxury Villa home by ancient skills in the deep jungle without using any modern technology tool just a sickle knife and available material in the building area.
Please Subscribe fore More video: www.youtube.com/c/JungleSurvival
Thank you very much for your value time to Watch, Like, Comment, Share, and Subscribe to our Channel, and we will try all our best to find more idea and produce more interesting video for survival purpose living harmony in the deep jungle.

Please watch: «Building Secret Deep Hole Underground Mansion with Around Swimming Pool Underground»