Баня 197 м2 в стиле «новых русских»! Что не так с Кело?

00:00 В этом выпуске
00:15 Объявляем конкурс!
00:26 Обзор бани из Кело
02:43 Комната отдыха
03:33 Парная
06:58 Кело — это обычный сухостой?
09:48 У Кело нет недостатков?
11:59 Кело обладает плохой энергетикой?
12:46 Кело может заразить окружающий лес?
13:50 Купель
14:50 Санузел в бане
15:43 Спальня в бане
17:45 Кухня в бане
18:38 Участвуйте в конкурсе!

Условия конкурса:
— Подпишитесь на канал
— Поставьте лайк
— Напишите в комментариях 3 вещи, без которых нельзя представить настоящего «нового русского» из 90-х

19:00 Итоги конкурса от 15 ноября 2020 г.
Победитель Ksenia Kokoreva — www.youtube.com/channel/UCoZK8et2S-DVIHtcEtJEr7g/featured
Напишите на youtube@artkelo.ru, чтобы узнать, как получить приз.

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Я себя знаю! Гарик Харламов х Азамат Мусагалиев

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«Я себя знаю!» — это псевдоинтеллектуальная псевдовикторина, в которой Азамат Мусагалиев попытается найти и задать селебам вопросы о них, на которые они не смогут ответить. Зачем? Да специально, чтобы за каждый неправильный ответ услышать от звезды отвратительный факт из её биографии.

Гость: Гарик Харламов!

Гарик Харламов: www.instagram.com/garikkharlamov
Азамат Мусагалиев: instagram.com/azabraza1984

По вопросам рекламы: musagaliev@mediumquality.ru

Despre garduri – modele si reguli de constructie

Ce tipuri de garduri exista? Ce model sa aleg pentru terenul meu? Conteaza ce fundatie si stalpi va avea gardul? Ce reguli exista la constructia unui gard?… Totul despre garduri gasiti sumar in acest video.
Doneaza de o cafea pe Patreon: www.patreon.com/EnciclopediaConstructiilor Multumesc!
Website: enciclopediaconstructiilor.com/

Монтаж забора BRICK на ригельную систему

www.brick.by/ брик.бел/
Velcom 375 (44) 7 600 600
Профессиональный монтаж заборов BRICK
Velcom 375 (29) 366 16 16
МТС 375 (33) 366 16 16
Мы в социальных сетях:
В этом видео вы узнаете как укладывается забор BRICK на ригельную систему, а также насколько просто и быстро это можно сделать.

Как сделать забор. Недорогой и практичный.

При желании 2 человека построят за пару дней.
форум где буду отвечать рисунками и фотками находится здесь

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Porti fier forjat Buzau Nova Metal Inox

Porti si garduri fier forjat Nova Metal Inox Buzau
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Rusty Arbor Press - Restoration

In this video im restoring a rusty arbor press.

Ever since I started my channel I had an arbor press on my wish list to restore. Not just because its an interesting good looking item, mainly because I want to have one in my shop. So I got very excited when my friend called me two weeks ago and told me that he has found one on the steel waste. Its a small Fehlmann arbor press, theyre very famous in switzerland for making the best ones.
I choose turquise blue for the main body and painted the letters black and I really like how to colour turned out. Unfortunately the table was missing, so I had to make a new one. I first planed to mill the slots on a CNC milling machine, but I couldnt get access to one in time so I decided to make it manually. It took some time to find a way to make them, took even more time to make them, but the endresult speaks for itself. It turned out absolutely perfect. I went with bluing on the gear part of the handle and sanded the handle itself. The name plate was from the previous seller of this press, its a well known seller for machines in Switzerland. As the plate was too damaged to use again, I decided to make my own „my mechanics“ plate out of aluminium. It took me three tries to get it to work and I ended up with a very nice and clean plate at the end. I went with a brushed finish for the name plate, as it fits the other finishes very well.
Overall Im very happy how the press turned out. I really like the contrast of the different colours and finishes and Im more than happy to finally own an arbor press in my shop. This tool will be very usefull and will for sure appear in future videos.

I hope you like my work and the video.

Huge thank you to all of my Patreon and PayPal supporters and specially to:

Daniele Castoldi
Noelle Sophy
Adel AlSaffar
Alan Hanson
Amanda Taylor, Esq
Andreswara Hermawan
Andrew Phillips
Courtney Maleport
Dan Williams
Dre Gilley
Hunter R.
Jonas Richartz
Mellissa Marcus
Nick Cannon
Paul Ambry
Paul Mampilly
Shawn Daniels
Trevor Kam
TRG Restoration
Vince Valenti
Yale Baker
Zachary Grimes


00:00 preview
00:42 disassembling
01:36 showing all the parts
01:45 removing the old paint with paint stripper
02:38 sandblasting
03:27 restoring the main body
04:12 applying filler on the main body
04:45 sanding the unpainted surfaces of the main body
05:14 masking the main body
05:32 applying two component primer on the main body
05:41 applying two component coat „turquise blue“ on the main body
05:51 painting the letters black of the main body
06:12 making the missing table on the lathe and milling machine
10:20 cleaning the other parts with the parts washer
10:41 removing the rust with rust remover
11:20 restoring the gear rack
12:31 restoring the handle
14:28 restoring the bolt
15:00 restoring the big washer
15:44 making a new name plate
17:39 showing the parts before reassembling
17:56 reassembling
18:55 showing the finished restoration
20:04 final test

Time and costs of this restoration:

I was working on this project for 1 week
$30 arbor press
$50 primer and coat
$8 steel for the table
$10 aluminium sheet for the name plate

My camera:
Panasonic HC-V180

If you have any questions about the process, machines im using or other stuff, just ask me in the comments. I read them all and i try to reply as soon as possible.

Sorry for my bad english, its not my language. I try my best to improve my technical english.

Subscribe for more of my content. Im uploading videos about mechanical stuff, as new creations and buildings and also restorations.

Thank you for watching :-)

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