A pipe bender is used to bend a range of piping but most commonly; plumbing and conduit (electrical) piping. It is used to bend pipe in different directions and around obstacles instead of creating a fitting. I hope you enjoy this video.
Best Quality Angle Grinder Machine For Metal And Multi Purpose
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The Beecher Bender is the most advanced cold metal bending machine, requiring no heat or power. By simply turning the handle it will cut, scroll, bend, form circles and shape arches from solid flat steel bars in seconds.
All major parts of the machine are cast in strong, durable and heard wearing SG iron and its cutting blades are made from high tensile D2 heat treated steel.
The Beecher Bender comes complete with a demonstration DVD.
The #ORB Ornamental Roller-Bender is a valuable asset to any metalworking shop. Its wide range of capabilities makes it an essential tool for any shop (including home weekend hobbyist) that has a use for forming metal.
Сделал трубогиб без токарных работ из строительного крепежа и подшипников. Использовал различный металлолом, строительную шпильку диаметром 18 мм., гайки и усиленные шайбы на 18 мм., восемь 303 подшипников, судя по цене, китайского производства.