
California life style of the RICH $2.9Ms Luxurious Mansion | 5,995 Sqft | 6BD | 6 BA | 4 CR

Realtor: Chakits Krulsawat
Simply Vegas | Lic# s.0168764
1780 W. Horizon Ridge Pkwy #100 Henderson, NV. 89012

Model: Santa Rosa
City: Yorba Linda
Community: Enclave
Builder: Toll Bothers

Instagram www.instagram.com/chakits_krulsawat/
LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/in/chakits-krulsawat-8ba73089/
Facebook www.facebook.com/chakitskrulsawat/

Cameras Used To Shoot Video: www.amazon.com/ideas/amzn1.account.AGL2VHIW4V2YKFITHL3WCQSVLOHQ/3V9XUC4CIJM4V
Chakits Krulsawat Group Merchandise: teespring.com/stores/chakits-krulsawat?page=1

10 Antique Farmhouse Home Decor Tours // Farmhouse Styling on a Budget // Rustic Farmhouse Tours

Welcome to Living it Country! Today I am sharing 10 Antique Farmhouse Home Decor Tours that share how you can truly have a farmhouse home on a budget using Antiques.

Make sure to follow all the fabulous home decor accounts below for more inspiration!

Itty Bitty Farmhouse — instagram.com/itty_bitty_farmhouse?igshid=13v3znzsyxw9g
Simply Southern Cottage — instagram.com/simplysoutherncottage?igshid=876qzst3owjg
Down Shiloh Road — instagram.com/downshilohroad?igshid=1igpcnpt7psgr
Olde Tyme Marketplace — instagram.com/oldetymemarketplace?igshid=7s2hq7zx9oxh
Farmhouse Coffee — instagram.com/farmhouse_coffee_?igshid=xysmkwgen8uf
My Rustic House — instagram.com/myrustichouse?igshid=xujtjcq3j4yz
Mobile Home Cottage — instagram.com/mobilehome_cottage?igshid=12vk16tq8hqf1
Farmhouse 2020 — instagram.com/farmhouse2020?igshid=1hc5v7pbpdqbq
Farmhouse for 8 — instagram.com/farmhousefor8?igshid=rrlqmoe7rzx0
House on Honey Hill — instagram.com/house.on.honey.hill?igshid=ottth0rol5hp

Watch These Ladies FULL Home Tours with them Talking and sharing here —
Itty Bitty Farmhouse — www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUW_aeJk_3M

Best 80 Modern and Beautiful Apartment Decor Ideas

The modern approach to the apartment arrangement allows the use of specific stylistic design ways and techniques in the open living space, hallways, bathrooms, and bedrooms. With their help it is possible to create a desired atmosphere to your living space, turning it in your dreamy home.
Please watch this video. Here you will discover more than eighty fabulous design ideas for a modern and elegant apartment. Harmonious decorating ideas in soft and dusty colors, fresh and bright design ideas, charming and colorful apartments, modern and classic combinations, and much more.
Thank you so much for watching and do not forget to subscribe to our channel.
» Subscribe to Grig Stamate: bit.ly/toGrigStamate
#ApartmentDecor #ModernStyle
Background soundtracks:
1. Soundtrack by Arch Tremors
2. Breaking My Own Heart — Rain Jewels
3. A Different Kind of Love — Duplex Heart
4. We Got It Covered – Seralya
5. My Baby Libertine — Arch Tremors
6. Wait Up Sundown — Arch Tremors
Royalty-free music by Epidemic Sound

"Три Орешка Для Золушки HD 1973"

В первый раз фильм не загрузился полностью, буквально три минуты не вошли, поэтому грузила второй раз, можно посмотреть по этой ссылке www.youtube.com/watch?v=n53TuQEpI90
Наша реплика на фильм «Три орешка для Золушки»:

Luxury Estate Villa – VinHomes (VinGroup) Riverside in Hanoi Vietnam by Flora Di Menna Designs Inc.

This 20,000 square foot (1,900 square meter) stately luxury Villa is set in a community established by VinGroup; which is a large conglomerate focusing on real-estate development, retail and technology. Services range from healthcare, hospitality, tourism development and investment.

VinGroup is also becoming a leader in high-tech security, software technology and has issued a resolution on the establishment of four subsidiaries with a total charter capital of VND 390 billion dollars.

The company is founded by a prominent property developer and entrepreneur Pham Nhat Vuong, who is the first Vietnamese billionaire.

Flora Di Menna Designs Inc. surpasses the client expectations by bringing their grand luxurious design concepts and drawings into reality with virtual animation prior to construction.

The team at FDM Designs offers a vibrant, realistic tour of the residence which truly brings architectural drawing and design to a whole new level!

Take a look at some other luxury projects,
65 Westwood Lane (For Sale) | www.youtube.com/watch?v=AorSpcbh_4k

Season 6: TOP Mega Mansion TOURS! | Luxury TV HOUR MOVIE!

Where do professional athletes spend their time in isolation? Luxury TV is taking you along an extended BTS tour of some new never before seen places and some favorites from the past… In some of these spectacular homes and estates around South Florida and Tampa Bay.

From Miami to Davis Islands… we take you inside some of the most amazing luxury homes and condos!


Ride along on this luxury lifestyle tour in the Rolls Royce Dawn, the Bentley drop top or your personal yacht waiting at the back dock…

#LuxuryHomes #RealEstate #Lifestyle #Ferrari #RollsRoyce #Yacht